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I've been drawing since I was three and fell in love after the first squiggle. Now at the age of 21, I hope to soon have my efforts pay off by becoming a professional designer and artist someday.

After my high school graduation, I participated in an internship with the startup company, Seerflix during the summer of 2015. I was one of the 3d animators responsible for creating animated templates from scratch using the program Blender. This was to be featured as a viewing aid so the customers could take a sneak peek to see what their business metrics could look like with the animation.


In the summer of 2018, I was one of the concept artist interns responsible for character design and environments for the game called 'Seed'. Their enthusiasm and passion for making the professional IT work environment more inclusive, friendly and open minded was what made that specific company very special to me.  Here you can find their website:


Feel free to contact me for project inquiries and/or questions


About Me: Bio
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